Repair of Harm Training Funded by Community Support
The Hub is getting ready to launch our repair of harm services in 2025, integrating the findings of our community consultations and conversations with RJ programs in other communities. Our approach centers the needs of those harmed, invites those responsible to make meaningful amends, and ultimately decreases further harm and makes the community safer.
Thanks to generous support from The Pokagon Fund, Beacon Health System, and initial core supporters, we were able to host an intensive 40-hour training for our facilitation team, led by national RJ facilitator Gretchen Casey of the Amend Initiative. Our participants came from across the community with varied experience in crisis response, social work, mental health, peer recovery, victim advocacy, and, most importantly, lived experience as people impacted by harm. Together we dared to reimagine what community safety and healing can look like and how we can help create that.
Our Repair of Harm training was funded in part by generous contributions from The Pokagon Fund and Beacon Health System.